S T A B  R U L E Z

Every squad needs some rules to govern them. Some squads have none and thats evident when you play with them! On the other hand some squads have too many and almost seem to forget that Delta Force is a game not the real military LOL!! As a squad we have come to agree on certain basic factors that should be maintained by all the members of STAB squad. I have arranged these in the following categories:

Conduct during games.

Commitment to the squad.

Conduct During Games  is a hard topic to make a rule about. We all want to have fun but there has obviously got to be some guidelines in place to prevent things degenerating into a squabble.

1: There will be no cheating allowed on any STAB games, either by STAB members or anyone else.

2: Any accusations of cheating are to be relayed to me (SLAYER) on 'Team Talk'.

3: Only STAB players are given the Blue team password in games where there is one.

4: Any changes to the above rule (3) are to be made by me (having consulted the other members if possible).

5: Bad language is too be kept at a minimum during games, especially on 'Open Talk'

6: When asked to take up a position or to follow a set plan during a game, all members present will do so ASAP

7: STAB members will show respect to visitors to the server and greet them accordingly. This especially applies to friendly squads players or our more regular players who know us well. Any disruptive player will be warned and then banned if he will not appologise.
You will obey, You will obey! lol
Commitment To The Squad. The mere word Commitment  is enough to scare a lot of blokes, lol. But this is a bit different. We all formed this squad because we loved playing The Delta Force games, so therefore there is a commitment involved to continue the squad. All we ask of all members is that they follow the ideas laid out below:

1: Any bitching etc;.. is to be done to me and I'll then sort as I see fit. That goes for any complaints against members too. Any reports of slagging off or nasty behaviour towards a member from a member that can be proven will warrant the guilty party dismissed from the squad.

2: Hosts and myself will determine set days for games and if these need to be cancelled for some reason, then a Forum post must be made.

3: STAB members can only play for STAB, no other squad, even on a temp or "one off" time. STAB members play for STAB, no one else.

4: STAB members may play on other servers as they wish as long as the STAB server is not up (its your responsability to check if it is regulary) As long as this does infringe on rule 3 Ie: on a passworded squad server you would be playing on the Red team not as a "borrowed" member for another squad.

5: STAB members will not 'judge' one anothers commitment, any complaints are to be made to me not the person in question. Often a member may be doing things behind the scenes that some other members are not aware of. Theres more to STAB than just playing sometimes.

6: All members are expected to play regularly on the STAB server (obviously this is not always possible due to unforeseen circumstances such as PC problems ;-)

7: It would be nice to let the rest of the squad know if your going to be absent for some time ie:Holidays etc...

8: Please check this site for updates and squad info regularly, in particular use the forum to post your thoughts/ideas and to give the squad a community' feel to it. Some seem to feel they don't need to post on the forum, but this is a requirement.

9:It is all members OWN responsibility to make sure they are aware of changes/announcements etc, by checking the STAB Web site Forum/Calendar
These Rules Are Only An Example Of The Many That We Should Follow.
There Are Many More Things That Are Just Common Sense.